Water purification information

Aicksn: Your health "water" is the master

Views : 84850
Update time : 2021-12-28 11:46:08
Water is closely related to human beings. In addition to being the main component of the living body, water is also involved in the whole process of human metabolism. Water is the "porter" and "cleaner" in the human body, and it is also one of the seven types of nutrients required by the human body. head.

With people’s attention to healthy drinking water, more and more families have begun to install water purifiers. As a small household kitchen appliance with strong decontamination capability and high quality water, RO reverse osmosis water purifiers have won the majority of consumers. It is unanimously recognized that market sales are also increasing year by year.

What is the principle of reverse osmosis technology?
The core of RO reverse osmosis water purifier becoming the darling of the public is its reverse osmosis technology. RO reverse osmosis is a currently popular water treatment technology in the world. The raw water is physically filtered without adding any compounds to produce a pure water machine that can be directly consumed by humans, also known as terminal water purification equipment. Because the pore size of the RO membrane is only one ten-thousandth of a micron, it can effectively remove heavy metals, organic carcinogens, residual chlorine, bacteria and viruses and other harmful substances. Therefore, the water produced by the reverse osmosis water purifier is cleaner and more hygienic than bottled water It can be drunk raw or boiled, which is in full compliance with the "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water Quality".
Some people say that the water from the reverse osmosis water purifier lacks minerals and cannot be drunk without nutrition?

In fact, the human body extracts only 1% of nutrients and minerals in water. 99% of the nutrients and minerals are obtained from foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, chicken eggs and milk, rather than from water. For example, the calcium content in a cup of milk is about 1,200 cups of water..., the most important thing is the safety of drinking water.

RO reverse osmosis continues to write stories about water purification

In the 1960s, due to the limited load of the space shuttle, American scientists made RO reverse osmosis membranes based on the principle of seagulls, which successfully solved the problem of drinking water after astronauts landed on the moon, so pure water is also called space water in the United States.

Then RO reverse osmosis technology was popularized and applied to seawater desalination, medical treatment, and pharmaceutical... The closest thing to our lives is the reverse osmosis water purifier.

The highest filtration accuracy and the best water purification effect
The pore size of RO reverse osmosis membrane is very small. It is difficult for bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and other harmful substances to pass through RO reverse osmosis membrane due to their size. The high-precision RO reverse osmosis membrane ensures the purity and taste of the produced water. It has therefore become an important component of the water purifier.

We often say: Water is the source of life, and the quality of water determines our health.
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